Technology has been a boon for us, especially during the Christmas season when cold winter winds hits us and all humans are forced to hibernate inside the house.
Of course, festive season means family gatherings, year-end office celebrations, long vacations and hence we need to rely more on technology for connection and security purpose.
Using such technology and electric devices means that we are consuming more energy and hence depletion of more resources.
Taking a break for the holidays-Why not save energy at offices too during this season?
As we are next to the year end, we can see offices being closed and employees recouping their energy at homes.
So, while we normally think of utilizing our resources to the best capacity — why not in making sure that we make efficient use of energy at office too?
1. Unplug the unnecessary
Switch off the desktops and systems which will not be needed during the vacation period. Encouraging employee’s to properly switch off the computers and electronics before leaving the work station is probably a necessary step.
Consider also unplugging larger appliances like printer, scanners or fax machines.
Also do not forget the mini café/kitchen in the office where you heat up your food and make coffees. Yes, remember those talks and gossips!
Make sure to check that these appliances- coffee machines and microwaves are unplugged.
2. The comfort temperature
Office AC’s and heaters are considered the biggest consuming electric system and a big energy eater.
To make comfortable environment for employees and increase their efficiency level, temperature plays an important role.
When the office Is closed and during long Christmas vacation time, the Office heaters or temperature control device can be closed off in most areas of the office corners as no employee or computer will be working which are the cause of temperature fluctuations
More energy is required when heating the whole office up to a comfortable temperature and you can also have by running it low during your office shutdown.
3. Encouraging Energy saving culture
The true nature of any person is seen at the normal behaviors they show at their home.
Saving energy at office is a necessary step but to a make it as an acceptable behaviors from the employee, we have to encourage them to apply the same principle at home also.
Encouraging employees to save energy at home while on vacation or celebrating Christmas vacations can also shift their perspective on energy saving initiatives.
4.Using motion-sensor lightings
With Christmas seasons and winter weather comes darker days. Turning off the lights is typically a great way to save energy, but think about your office’s security, too. Installing motion-sensor lighting to save energy and keep your space secure, during the holidays, and year-round, is what Octiot recommends.
At the same time, switch over your lightbulbs to energy-efficient LEDs. Making the change during days when the office is empty will be especially quick. Plus, your staff will come back to a brighter, more attractive office.
One of the UK’s largest accountancy firms will close most of its offices over Christmas and New Year for the first time to save on energy bills.
PwC, which employs about 24,000 people, will shut its main London office from 23 December to 3 January, as well as some smaller sites.
Its chairman Kevin Ellis said having all offices open over the festive period “doesn’t make sense at a time of energy scarcity”.
Such an act by PwC is an encouragement to all other firms!
Octiot integrated sensor lightning innovation is thriving in smart product industry due to its capability of Human body detection, energy saving component ,over current protection and strong backup features.
We wanted and encourage the company to “do our bit to reduce energy consumption”.
Merry Christmas!